"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground." Psalm 143:10

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Be still.

The peace God brings in this life is indescribable… And the ways in which He does this is even mysterious at times.


A)     a state of tranquility or quiet

B)      freedom from disquieting  or oppressive thoughts or emotions

C)      harmony in personal relationships

Flowers, birds, garden, cows.

These are a few of my new favorite things that surround our little rent house in the country. Yes, Kevin and I have moved again… only this time it was not to an apartment surrounded by cement parking lots and there is no sound of the interstate in the background. Actually, we now live in a small house placed on a hill alongside (more like in) a cow pasture… Talk about a change.

Although this is way different than the apartment life I have lived for the past six years, this feels so much more like home.
My first squash!
My little garden box  :)

Most know that I grew up on a gravel road, in the country, 15 miles from the nearest town. Our grandparents were the neighbors and Walmart was an hour away. Once I left for college I quickly began to enjoy the life of independence and living in a big town. My “plan” was to stay, finish school, get married, and begin a career.

My grandmother, as well as my mother, like to say, “Man makes plans and God smiles.”

Slowly but surely the Lord has used stepping stones to bring Kevin and I closer and closer to home. Only He knows whether or not we will be staying in this area for good or if this is just another part of His plan to get us to the place we will settle down. So, I am doing my best to embrace the place He has me and my husband and, in that, He has provided a peace here that I cannot explain.

Kevin and I have been married for a year now. On May 21st we celebrated our anniversary by going to dinner and, yes, getting the top of our wedding cake out of the freezer. It is crazy to me just how many twists and turns and life events can be packed into 12 months. Although it does not always seem like it, when we look back over the past year of our lives we can see so much change that has happened. This can feel a little overwhelming, but I also find it encouraging to know that the Lord is constantly working and we cannot always see it until we are looking back and reflecting on the what is now the past.
Tasted better than you would think!

Romans 15:13

We have officially moved three times in our first year of marriage and we still anticipate another move in the next year.

It can get a bit stressful from time to time, but the Lord is really teaching me to be still and just be where we are right now. So for now I am just embracing the circumstances and enjoying being close to family. This is a kind of peace that you can find nowhere other than resting in the knowledge that God has the ultimate plan for our life and does not need my assistance in the planning process.  :) 
Thank goodness.

1 comment:

  1. I was in labor and failed to wish you a happy anniversary!!! I love your blog and love your happy little life with cows. Miss you friend
